
With the arrival on the Portuguese market of the new Peugeot RCZ R, was necessary to create a campaign focuses on power and adrenaline of the new engine of 270 horses.

Made @ Havas Worlwide Portugal

Concept & Idea

A website was design as well as an iPhone application, various media formats, which highlights a youtube Video Ad and outdoor advertising with the creation of a Lenticular 4×3 Billboard which gave us the feeling of motion and acceleration.

Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ

Power and adrenaline

Raise your driving experience to its peak

Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ

Power of sound

Experience the sound of freedom

Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ
Pedro Gaspar - RCZ

4×3 Lenticular

Pedro Gaspar - RCZ

4×3 Lenticular

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